I started writing this blog post on the above topic earlier in the year and had almost finished it, but I was never happy with the result. Now my original reasons don't apply anymore so I thought I'd post about what's changed in a few short months.
The original reasons I started my blog were as follows:
1) putting down my thoughts in writing helps me solidify them.
2) to get feedback from others in the community.
3) to let me review my previous thoughts and see how I have changed over time.
4) to improve my writing skills.
Overall it's been a positive experience and I don't really have to self promote it anymore, but one thing has been bothering me and that's the amount of feedback I've received from the community.
If you go back through my archive you'll see a number of comments but compared with the site traffic it's a small drop in the ocean. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly appreciate everyone who has taken time to comment but I'm craving more discussion so that I can learn.
Moving on to the present. Though my original intents for blogging are still valid, these no longer apply to the blog itself. Since July, Google+ (G+) has been my substitute for my blog. When I post there, I am closing the feedback loop considerably and am getting more feedback than I have here. I'd love to be proven wrong about this but I feel my time is best spent posting on G+.
Now onto my current reason to blog. Basically I'm still using it as a place for my thoughts, but the content I'm creating is replicated from G+. I'm not doing it for every post, only the ones I want to highlight to others. This highlighting is one thing that G+ doesn't do well.
I'm interested in what others are doing with their blogs. Do you still blog? What are your reasons for doing so?