Sunday, January 1, 2012

Which member of the Agile/Lean software community influenced you the most in 2011?

Nominate the member of our community who influenced you the most in 2011. Please one nomination per person. Based on this list I'll set up an online poll.

Leave the person's name in the comments below as well as their Twitter id, G+ or blog URL.

This was originally posted on Agile+


  1. So many I could name, but I'm going to stick with Gojko Adzic (@gojkoadzic), I voted for him as "Most Influential Software Testing Professional Person" at Agile Testing Days (and so did many others, given that he won!) His keynote at StarEast 2011 "Sleeping with the Enemy" finally broke down my "But I *like* test automation" mental block. I think the best approach to automation at all levels is by tester-programmer pairing.

  2. For me it is impossible to give just one name.
    if I consider "#ALE2011 conference" as a person. that would fit for me. ;-)

  3. My work gets influenced by people, who inspire me. And my inspiration comes in different flavors - there are definitely people, who inspire me on my own projects and in my own organization. But this is not a must - I also get great inspirations from people, whom I meet just once or even just read about.

    In 2011 I got a huge amount of inspiration from a.) people of the new ALE network and b.) from people coming from the field of systemic coaching.

    In terms of a.) I see the same problem as Yves about selecting out of the big list of great people, who started influencing my thoughts. But being asked quickly, I imagine Olaf Lewitz (@OlafLewitz) and Yves Hannoulle (@YvesHanoulle)

    In terms of b.) there are Steve de Shazer and Gunther Schmidt.

  4. Difficult to say. A system itself is more than the sum of the individuals. 2011 changed my personal situation drastically. The persons I connect most with that change are Pierluigi Pugliese and Krishan Mathis.

    Pierluigi because of his personal audition he did with me and Krishan because he showed me that what "a man's got to do what he's got to do".

    I left the coaching community to enter the dark side: Being a team member again. I'm continuing coaching from there, internally, inside an organization. And it's so real that it's sometimes hard to stand.

  5. Due to the fact that we started with Kanban last year I nominate David J. Anderson.

  6. The way Lisa Crispin (@lisacrispin) has enlightened and inspired me on "Agile Testing" leaves me with no other choice than to nominate her.

    Not only has she (together with Janet Gregory) published an excellent book on the subject, but she is also an very active member in the agile community through numerous articles and her participation on twitter.

    Her constant positive attitude and willingness to help anyone who asks her makes her a top candidate for a nomination.

  7. Dean Leffingwell has really tied separated work practices together in the book "Agile software requirements" and showed how large scale agile software development can operate.

    In addition, he published which I think will be a an important work of reference in the agile community.
